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German Shepherd Training





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



German Shepherd Training(圖1)-速報App

German Shepherd Training | If you don't know it yet, the ferocious-looking massive dogs you see with police officers or bomb squads makes for an excellent family pet. You might find that quite hard to believe but this large breed is strong, athletic and fiercely loyal - just the characteristics you'd want in a guard dog. Having said that, before you actually go and get your little German Shepherd puppy, here are a few basic things you need to keep in mind:

German Shepherd Training(圖2)-速報App

1. Do your research. German Shepherds are unlike other dog breeds. Because of their massive size and energy, they can be potentially dangerous and destructive. It pays to read up on this particular breed to get to know them before you even bring one home. Knowing what to expect and what to do in certain situations can save you from a ton or worry and money.

German Shepherd Training(圖3)-速報App

2. Be sure you're ready. German Shepherds take a while to mature. Some experts would say these dogs don't mature until about three years. Before bringing home a young pup, be very sure you are ready for the long haul. Domesticating these dogs that grow into massive, intelligent working dogs takes a lot of patience, commitment and energy.

German Shepherd Training(圖4)-速報App

Training a German Shepherd

German Shepherd Training(圖5)-速報App

Although individual dog owners may successfully train a German Shepherd, bringing your pup into a dog-training class may prove to be a great way to train your dog. Especially if you have never owned nor trained a German Shepherd before. Besides being trained by professionals, your dog learns from these classes what behavior is socially acceptable. Socialization is an important part of a German Shepherds training to curb their instinct for dominance.

Download this German Shepherd Training Android App and start socializing your Dog!